Census Records

Presented here are the census records included in the IGS collection related to the Hodinöhsö:ni' nations.


Hiawatha Belt

Buffalo Creek Census 1840 Transcription

Abstract: Midge Dean Stock Technical Services: Josephine Lautenslaker, Deborah Cortright, Jack T. Ericson Prepared by: Special Collections Reed Library SUNY College at Fredonia December 2004


1840 Buffalo Creek Census, notebook 1

1840 census of the Seneca at Buffalo Creek. The census is grouped by clans, and includes English and Seneca names of individuals, as well as place of birth, age, number of children, sex, religion, and rank.

Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society


Seneca Voters, 1849

"Lists of names who voted at an Annual Election of Officers on the Cattaraugus Territory, May 1st, 1849"

Original located in the Maris B. Pierce Papers, Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society. The list is in two different handwritings, on nine pages.


1915 New York State Census Cattaraugus & Allegany Territories

New York developed special forms to be used in taking a census of Native peoples for the 1915 and 1925 census. In addition to the information required of New York residents Native people were asked several additional questions. These census records include Nation, Clan, Religion and place of Education. The 1915 census lists the women as head of household.


1915 New York State Census Tonawanda Territory Transcription

New York developed special forms to be used in taking a census of Native peoples for the 1915 and 1925 census. In addition to the information required of New York residents Native people were asked several additional questions. These census records include Nation, Clan, Religion and place of Education. The 1915 census lists the women as head of household.

Two Row Wampum

Appraisal Report Seneca Territories and Improvements 1843-1844

Addressed to the U.S. Secretary of War, the report includes acreage, number and value of houses, barns, orchards, and wells for property owners on the Buffalo Creek, Cattaraugus, and Allegheny Territories, and the amount to be awarded to each by the Ogden Land Company, under the treaty of 20 May 1842. Since the surveyors were not allowed to survey the Tonawanda Reservation, the figures for that tract are estimates only


1845 New York State Census of Buffalo Creek Territory.


1845 New York State Census of Cayugas residing on Cattaraugus Territory.


1845 New York State Census of Senecas Residing on the Allegany Territory


1845 New York State Census of Senecas Residing on the Cattaraugus Territory


1875 New York State Census of Allegany Territory Abstract By Jack T. Ericson & Gina M. Palermo